Easily Light A Fire Anywhere With These Dyno-Matches

  • You can make multiple bundles of dyno-matches to keep stored in various places like your car, your home's stockpile and your hiking pack. These matches can burn for up to 5 minutes so you won't need to keep your eye on the weather or spend hours searching for dry material the next time you need a fire.


    • 1 candle
    • 1 piece of aluminum foil about 6 inches
    • 1 bowl
    • a pair of pliers
    • a pair of scissors
    • 1 box of wooden matches
    • 1 cup of water
    • 1 meat tenderizer or something with a flat end
    • 1 piece of toilet paper or paper towel
    • 1 piece of fatwood or dry wooden stick (3-4 inches)

    Step 1:

    Start with 30-40 match heads. Pour the crushed match heads onto the aluminum foil and began crushing. Pour them back into the bowl.

    Step 2:

    Take your cup of water and pour a little bit at a time to form a paste. Roll the tip of one end around into the paste. Allow the match head to dry for about 3 hours.

    Step 3:

    Light the candle to allow the wax to melt. Measure the paper towel the length of the match stick and cut so that you can wrap the stick up to the match head about three times around.

    Step 4:

    Began to pour the hot wax over the paper towel and a little over lapping the dried match head. While the wax is still warm roll the match around to completely soak of the paper towel.

    Be sure to cut the striker off the empty match box and place it with the Dyno-matches.

    Have you been able to make these dyno-matches? Were they quick and easy to use?

    Article & Photo Source: Instructables

    One Comment;

    1. Harold Mcdermott said:

      And whats wrong with a Bic lighter? You can drop it in the water dry it off and it still works!


