Breeding Crayfish For Food With These Easy Steps To Have Them On The Homestead!

  • If you like crayfish, then these incredible steps will help you be able to breed them successfully on your homestead!

    Many homesteaders like to have all different kinds of food to choose from. This means we have a garden for fruits and vegetables, chickens and cattle for meat and eggs. If you have all these different sources of food on your homestead you can be as self-sufficient as possible.

    If you have always dreamed of having crayfish or lobster on your homestead but thought it was too difficult, there is good news. It isn't as challenging as you might think as long as you follow some simple steps and keep an eye on your crayfish or lobster. This way you don't have to give up your love of crayfish or lobster.  You can not only enjoy all the crayfish and lobster you  and you can take pride in knowing that you breed them yourself!

    To learn how to breed freshwater crayfish and the step by step directions to follow, please head on over to the next page.

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    1. Daniel Rex Benzel said:

      Not as easy as you may think. Crayfish will eat each other if they get too hungry. They will escape the tank if not covered. They will team up and kill any fish in the tank. They are fun to keep though and require little matinance.

    2. Brandon Franklin said:

      Australian Red Claw Crayfish get HUGE!! Put them in your aquaponic system. Just make sure they can’t escape, they’re crafty little buggers.

    3. Helene Kale said:

      Dumbest thing I’ve ever read! Lobster are saltwater crustaceans; Crayfish are freshwater. You cannot breed lobster in a fish tank…Or a pond! You would need a massively huge, constantly monitored for chemical balance, facility that mimicked the ocean to breed lobster. Crayfish are completely different and is doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to breed them.


