Breeding Crayfish For Food With These Easy Steps To Have Them On The Homestead!

  • Crayfish are delicious and also provide us with a great source of protein and other nutrients. That's why being able to have them on your homestead would make it even better. These simple steps can help you breed as many crayfish or lobsters as you want. You'll be amazed by how it is done!

    Let's Get Started!

    The Supplies To Gather Are:

    Freshwater aquarium
    Male lobster
    Female lobster
    Omnivorous food to feed them

    The Steps By Step Directions To Follow:

    1 Provide at least water up to 40 -50 gallons per lobster.  Place plenty of rocks, plants. Temperature should be between 55 – 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 – 22 degrees Celsius,  with pH value 6.5-8.0

    2 Place  male, a female freshwater lobster in aquarium.  The main difference between male and female lobsters is that females have shorter claws than males and their claws are more rounded as compared to  male ones.

    3  The process is a slow one. It is also best to keep both  lobsters in different aquariums.  Male lobster should be introduced in  female lobster's aquarium, mating process will start within one minute after introduction.  The mating process is initiated by the male.  As the process starts, both  lobsters will clean each other . The process will continue for about half an hour, when it is over,  male lobster can be removed from female's aquarium.

    4  Female lobster will carry eggs in her abdominal parts, known as pleopods.  Eggs have to be matured before they are extracted. Eggs will hatch in about 21 days.


    The Additional Steps To Follow:

    Lobsters are known for being kind of aggressive and may eat their brood. In order to prevent this, you should put the male and female lobster in their own aquarium. It is important to keep the water of the newborn lobsters really clean. During this time, they will shell their shell and it is best to avoid touching the newborn lobsters because they will most likely be fragile.

    Make sure to leave the shell in your aquarium because they will eat it. It contains calcium that will help make their new shells harder. When they get bigger, they will be able to regrow any limbs that they lost.

    It is best to feed with flake or pellet foods or brine shrimp that have just hatched or even micro worms and food that has been liquefied.

    About fourteen days after being born, each lobster have a more transparent look about them, when they get a little bit older and more mature, that's when they will get more color.


    Wow, this process is incredible. It takes a while so it is important to be patient. First you have to wait for them to make. Then you have to make sure the new lobsters are kept separately from their parents at first to avoid being eaten. Finally, it is important to remember that they may not gain a nice color until after they get a little older. After you have followed these simple steps and waited for them to get nice and big, they will be ready to enjoy. They will be a great addition to your homestead and make it even more successful.

    To find out more about breeding crayfish also known as lobsters, you can visit:

    Step By Step 




    1. Daniel Rex Benzel said:

      Not as easy as you may think. Crayfish will eat each other if they get too hungry. They will escape the tank if not covered. They will team up and kill any fish in the tank. They are fun to keep though and require little matinance.

    2. Brandon Franklin said:

      Australian Red Claw Crayfish get HUGE!! Put them in your aquaponic system. Just make sure they can’t escape, they’re crafty little buggers.

    3. Helene Kale said:

      Dumbest thing I’ve ever read! Lobster are saltwater crustaceans; Crayfish are freshwater. You cannot breed lobster in a fish tank…Or a pond! You would need a massively huge, constantly monitored for chemical balance, facility that mimicked the ocean to breed lobster. Crayfish are completely different and is doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to breed them.


