5 Self Defense Weapons Everyone Needs to Know How To Use

  • Let’s look at 5 self-defense weapons that are worth having available and ready for use against attackers.

    Taking all measures to ensure the survival of your family when things go wrong is one of the most noble things you can do. However, it will all amount to nothing if you are not prepared. Having faith that all will be well will not suffice as a viable safety net for your home.

    The aftermath of a societal collapse can be full of chaos as people fight for survival.

    One of the most effective defensive weapons are firearms but they are just one of several options that you can resort to for your home defense. In fact, you can turn anything into a home defense weapon if used properly. You just need to have had a prior thought on the various ways you can utilize an object as a versatility weapon in various possible dangerous scenarios.

    Here are a few things in your home that you can turn into effective home defense weapons…

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    One Comment;

    1. Tim Terri said:

      How about 4 really big dogs and several firearms. Problem solved.


