Why Our Power Grid is Vulnerable to a Breakdown

  • Which SHTF event do you think is most likely to occur at your location? Based on your response, you can stockpile and take certain measures to ensure your survival if and when that event were to occur. Typical responses would include a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, civil unrest or even a terrorist attack. However, we forget that one of our most vital essentials, electricity and power, is becoming increasingly likely.

    Sometimes we find that power becomes cut off as a result of a natural disaster, but we don’t often consider that it could be the focus of a SHTF event. The truth is that based on the current state of the world, there are plenty of groups (including terrorists and governments) could cause the downfall of the country’s power grid system, ultimately leaving us defenseless.

    Let’s take a look at how a number of power grid problems could occur and why we should consider prepping for them!

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    1. James Pallasch said:

      It is wise and prudent that we all prepare, in our own fashion, for both a short duration and long term electrical outages. There is no right or wrong way to prepare your self and loved ones. Communications will be a larger problem for some who have become too dependent upon electronics. Properly protected wireless phones will do just fine as a replacement. I see cooking and the preparation of food as a big problem for many. It would not hurt to sharpen your outdoor, over the fire cooking skills. Refrigeration is another concern. Bone up on the methods used by our grand parents to preserve food and get by with no refrigerators. Personal hygiene will undoubtedly be a large obstacle to overcome.

    2. Granny Nonya said:

      This is why so many Americans are angry. Billions of dollars sent to foreign countries that hate us, and our infrastructure is in need of help. We have the power to correct these problem if we would just vote out the anti American politicians.

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