Why Every Prepper Should Get a Pit Bull Right Now

  • There are many reasons why we feel this way and it's not just because they're adorable!

    Pit Bulls Are Excellent Swimmers: In an emergency situation, wading through a waist-deep body of water is a common occurrence in order to achieve certain missions. Luckily, this is one of the facets of working on Preparedness that my Pit Bull, Bruno, really enjoys. Not only is this an important characteristic for your dog to have, so that he does not become a liability, but it also helps him get and remain in excellent physical condition.

    Pit Bulls Are Great For Security and Protection: Wherever your basecamp may be, the Pit Bull will alert you to noises and movement in the distance that you would otherwise be unaware of. Depending on their training, Pit Bulls can become very aggressive toward unwanted visitors. However in most cases, once the Pit Bull has done its job by notifying their owner of a stranger approaching… and the owner gives the OK signal… The Pit Bull will continue to pursue the victim with a serious tongue lashing and a few hugs. Let’s keep that last part of our secret.

    Pit Bulls Have Excellent Endurance: When I am out in the field with Bruno and some of his fellow Pit Bulls, we trek for hours. The terrain is not always easily navigated but the Pit Bulls seem to take everything in stride. Just like other dogs and even people, Pit Bulls need to be hydrated so be sure to take frequent water breaks and keep that water purifier on you at all times. In an emergency situation, you and your Pit Bull may have to cover lots of ground on foot. Having the confidence that my dog can get to our destination takes a bit of the stress away. The fact that my dog can carry his own water and even his food, makes Bruno a viable asset in my ability to survive a SHTF scenario.

    Pit Bulls Are Easy To Train: The fact that the Pit Bull is extremely loyal and eager to please its owner, makes the breed easily trainable. The masses are starting to finally realize this fact and even Law Enforcement has chosen to add Pit Bulls to their K-9 units.

    Pit Bulls Do Not Require Much Space: Whether you need to bug out or bug in, Pit Bulls make due with small spaces. Whether it is in a vehicle, a tent or a small shelter in your home, Pit Bulls tend to turn themselves into a round little ball making you almost unaware of their presence. Keep in mind that they will require exercise to maintain that level of tranquility. But as someone focused on being prepared, you must address your own physical preparedness. By being responsible for your Pit Bulls daily exercise needs you will also be building up your strength and endurance. This will ensure that you are both ready for any upcoming missions.

    Let’s face it, as much as we love our Chihuahua's or Pugs we cannot see any super small breed being as hardy or self-sufficient as a pit bull during a chaotic situation. But a resilient pit bull is an entirely different story!

    To learn more about Pit Bulls as a survivalists and preppers best friend and companion go to Survival Life.


    1. Anonymous said:

      And another mouth to feed in a shtf event that could be you if it takes it upon itself to do so or your child.

    2. RS Eaves said:

      Had a pit/catahoula mix. She’d dive 6+ feet under water and bring up snapping turtles. Super smart and extremely brave

    3. Doug said:

      You people are idiots. A pit is the mirror image of its owner/ trainer. If you train it right it won’t turn on you and your kids. But if TSHTF you’ll wish you had one protecting your and your family. Wake up people! And not to sound biased so a good Shepherd works to.

    4. Michael Hart said:

      I have a pit and a German shepherd. Love them both but as a survival dog, my money is on the shepherd. My pit is lovable and protective but she’s as dumb as a bag of hammers.

    5. Pam Haynes Molder said:

      I love my pitties. Mine is smart and protective. But I also believe that each dog has a different individual personality. Pick the dog based on how you and him respond to each other, not because of the breed.


