When A Bug Out Bag Isn’t Enough: 3 More Ways to Prepare for a SHTF Moment

  • Here are three things you might not have thought about but that are essential for a thorough and effective bug out plan. These go way beyond having a simple bug out bag, and may just make all the difference if you find yourself in a SHTF situation!

    1) A bug out automobile:

    An RV is a great choice – it has ample space to store lots of supplies and can carry your entire family (plus the dog) in decent comfort. Even though they’re not particularly fast, RVs have powerful engines and decent ground clearance, which means that they can go over rough surfaces and cross streams and other obstacles. Sleeping in an RV is much better than sleeping under a tree, in a cave or even in a tent.

    Now I know what you’re thinking; This survival thing seems to be pretty damn expensive!

    Well, it’s all about priorities really. Believe it or not, You can buy an old RV for a couple thousand dollars sometimes. No, it’s not going to be pretty – but just make sure that it is mechanically sound and you can fix and customize the interior yourself.

    2) A bug out destination:

    You may buy a small plot of land in a remote area – do some smart research. Rural land is much cheaper than urban properties (depending on the location, you can buy 1 or 2 acres by spending just a couple hundred bucks extra every month).

    We live in such a virtual economy that we have forgotten that land is the ultimate resource for practically everything!

    If you own land, you can build a house, grow your own food, raise animals and harvest rainwater. You don’t need to build a luxurious mansion. A simple hunting shack style home will do.

    3) Learn to use a firearm:

    The constitution gives you the right to carry firearms and use them for your protection – exercise this right responsibly. Learn to shoot – it is a highly essential skill in an SHTF situation. It will enable you to hunt for food and defend yourself, your family and your property against thieves, burglars, and terrorists. A handgun and a rifle are good starting points for beginners. You can later move on to shotguns and more serious weapons if you feel the need to. Owning a firearm is not enough; you also need to educate yourself on the gun laws pertaining to your location. This will help you to stay out of legal trouble.

    We have to admit, after reading this we realize we could do a lot more to prepare for any catastrophe that might occur. In fact, we're inspired to take our bug out plan up a few notches and take some pointers from this list!

    Article Source: SHTFplan.com


