What Weapons to Use When The Ammo Runs Out

  • While we would not recommend relying on these weapons as your main source of protection or survival there may come a time when you have to and this is where you can get creative.

    If you are a fan of the AMC show The Walking Dead and you have kept up with the current storyline then you know who I am referring to when I say, Lucille. While this is a television show and far removed from reality Lucille is one of the “creative” type of weapons that we are referring to in this article. For those of you who don't know, this is Lucille:

    A baseball bat with barbed wire wrapped around it tightly may not be as clean as a gun and yes you will have to get your hands dirty but this is the kind of thing that just may save your life in a real world survival situation.

    Some other weapons you will want to keep handy are

    Meele Weapons 

    Weapons like spears, swords, clubs, hammers, police batons, baseball batshell, even a fire extinguisher, a crowbar or a shovel will do the trick in close combat when absolutely necessary. They aren’t as portable as a knife but they’re still pretty good for home-defense in a pinch.

    Bows and Arrows

    Aside from protecting yourself, bows are pretty useful for hunting game, so you should take bows and archery seriously if you’re into prepping.

    Crossbows are basically high-tech, mechanized bows, just more powerful and more precise and also much easier to master and to aim with.  They are easy to load and some of the high-end models available on the market come with scopes. Using them is childs play compared to aiming and firing a recurve or compound bow; they are reliable and make for a formidable cold weapon.

    The biggest advantages when using bows and arrows are that they’re stealthy, silent, deadly and, perhaps most importantly, you can re-use the arrows(unlike bullets) and also you can build new ones from scratch

    Blunt Force Trama

    This may be the best option you have for staying alive! Pick up something heavy and use it!


    Consider carrying a knife on your person at all times. Knives are tools in the first place and they come handy in a multitude of situations not associated with violence. But, when the moment comes, you have to do what you have to do. Carrying a solid knife presents obvious advantages; blades don’t need reloading.

    Aside from cutting rope and opening boxes, a knife may save your life someday. A word of caution though: use it wisely and remember that knife fighting exists only in B-rated movies. In a real life survival situation, a knife must be use stealthily, quickly and decisively.


    What sort of weapons do you recommend for when the ammo runs out? Do you have any tips or tricks that you would like to share! Leave them in the comments below.


    Source: Survivopedia


