What We Can Learn About Survival From These Popular Movies

  • Of course, we have to keep in mind that the magic of Hollywood doesn't always make events in the movie perfectly realistic, but these thrillers get us thinking about what dangerous situations we could end up in during a SHTF event. You might even want to add watching a few to your prepping to-do list!

    First, teamwork is essential for your survival, despite the “lone wolf” mentality many preppers seem to (wrongfully, in my opinion) have.

    There’s strength in numbers and there’s also a thing called the division of labor because you can’t do everything by yourself.

    Also, we’re social animals, centered on community (family, tribe, etc.). Lone wolves sound great in theory, but in real life, even wolves hunt in packs and are social animals.

    Dawn of the Dead (2004)

    Let’s take Dawn of the Dead, an awesome 2004 movie which tells the story of a group of survivors taking refuge inside a shopping center during a zombie apocalypse.

    Also, Dawn of the Dead teaches you about the importance of planning and preparing: having a good refuge, an escape plan, of being able to determine who’s to be trusted and who’s not and, most importantly, that a group’s cohesion is given by its weakest link.

    Another lesson learned from watching disaster flicks is that it’s critical to know the risks of your geographical location.

    San Andreas (2015)

    San Andreas depicts the horrifying consequences of a massive earthquake in California as a rescue chopper pilot makes a perilous journey across the state to save his daughter.

    For example, in a disaster, especially one of epic proportions, ownership of property becomes a fiction, i.e. emergency stuff can be found in a home or, in the movie, a car that isn’t yours if the situation really calls for it, and looting occurs in a matter of hours, not days.

    Also, the first few moments after SHTF are critical for one’s survival; if you panic and give in to mental chaos, you’ll just end up as yet another casualty/statistic.

    As shown in many disaster flicks, including San Andreas, the police and firefighters will bail in order to take care of their own families.

    Also, having some basic physics and engineering knowledge couldn’t hurt.

    When the universe explodes around them, they’ll behave like the proverbial chicken without a head, while others will be stunned, in shock and awe.

    The Road (2009)

    A movie released in 2009 that tells the story of a man and his young son as they travel by foot in a post-apocalyptic world through the mountains, searching for an illusory safe haven.

    The theme of the movie is survival by any means necessary. What’s very shocking about this flick is the accurate way it portrays the dark side of mankind, the way people will resort to anything, even cannibalism, in order to survive.

    The movie will teach you how to be careful when approaching strangers, how to carry your survival gear over long distances, and that starvation is not an event but a long and painful process.

    Also, having a gun and enough ammo will save your life. Your faith, provided you’re a “good guy,” will guide you and help your actions.

    The Day after Tomorrow (2004)

    This movie depicts survival techniques in extremely low temperatures following the world freezing via a man-provoked ice-age.

    Big cities are very difficult to escape in case of a SHTF scenario, i.e. you’ll have to consider relocating if possible and always plan for bad weather conditions.

    Zombieland (2009)

    Watching this gem, which is hilarious to say the least, you’ll understand why you should create a comprehensive set of rules to increase your survival chances.

    The first rule of survival: cardio is essential! Also, people in distress will try to trick you, steal your stuff, and then leave you stranded; this is a trait of the human nature.

    The Edge (1997)

    The Edge is the story of a billionaire who survives a plane crash in the Alaskan wilderness, together with two of his friends.

    You get how important it is to have basic survival skills, such as knowing basic first aid methods, how to navigate sans gear, how to improvise a compass, how to build basic weapons such as spears, and how to defend yourself against predators.

    Into the Wild (2007)

    Into the Wild is the true story of a guy named Christopher McCandles who died stupidly as he abandoned his privileged life and adventured into the wild, searching for adventure.

    The thing is that this guy had absolutely no idea about wilderness survival, no skills, and basically no gear.

    The lesson to be taken home after watching this movie is to never go out in the wild unprepared.


    Have you found any other movies that can teach us valuable survival lessons?

    Article Source: Survivopedia

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