What To Know About Multi Caliber Guns

  • We all know that person who says they are properly prepared. They have an arsenal that would make any government jealous but in all actuality, that may be one of the worst things that you can do. Sure it sounds like a great idea but you have to think long term and in a SHTF scenario if you have to head out on foot carrying 50+ guns plus all the ammo to support such an arsenal is virtually impossible.

    The first thing to know about multi caliber guns is that they fall into two categories: those that require modification and those that do not.

     There are two purposes behind multi-caliber guns (or MCGs) for the prepper:  to increase the flexibility of the firearm to use found or bartered ammo, and to increase the utility of the firearm (reduced recoil, hunting a larger variety of animals, etc).  The big reason behind most of these for the non-prepper is cost of shooting, which is related to the prepper concern of cost of stockpiling.

    So let's first look at MCG's that do NOT require modification

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