What Everyone Needs to Know About Building an Underground Home FULL PDF ENCLOSED

  • We have been following the underground house movement for awhile now. Not as long as it has been around because it has been around for a very long time.

    These homes are insanely economical, better for the environment and simply peaceful as they meld together humanity with nature. It's this cathartic blend that takes away stress and brings you to a place of peaceful living.

    But you have to build it first.

    So how does one actually do that? Well not only do we have some awesome information for you but we have also stumbled upon the PDF version of this very structure that will tell you all that you need to know about building your house underground. So thank you to our reader who pointed us in the direction of this PDF booklet.

    So after a short break, keep reading for a video interview with the builder AND his PDF book that he has made available to anyone wanting this kind of home. Excuse us now while we go get our shovel…

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      • DIY Bullseye Editor said:

        You should be able to find it on the second page towards the end where it says “Find the PDF HERE” Click on the word HERE and it will bring it up.

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