We Used an Exacto Knife and a Salt Container to Create This Awesome Hack!

  • To do this you will need a few supplies. Most of which you have around your house already.

    • salt container with a spout
    • mason jar
    • mason jar ring
    • Exacto knife

    Step 1.) Begin by removing the label from your salt container.You will want to be careful when you do this as you don't want to damage the actual portion you will be using.

    Step 2.) Punch your scissors into the container a couple inches down from the top and just do a rough cut around to remove the top of the salt container.

    Step 3.) Once you have the top removed you will need to trim it a little closer. Trace around the top of the mason jar with a pencil to get the exact size of the lip. You can leave the lip around the edge and just trim to about 1/4″ below it.

    Step 4.) Now you can take the top of your lid that you just cut and customize it. I have a few different options, for this for example. In the kitchen, I have these that contain salt, coffee creamer, flour and I plan on making more. I also have some in the laundry room and my husband has some in the garage and each lid top has either chalk paint on it or I have glued down pictures that I printed out so that way when jars are empty we are not cross contaminating anything.

    Step 5.) Place the salt container top into the metal band for the jar and secure in place with the metal ring that you have and you are finished!




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