[Video] What Does That Do? Uses for The Things We Always Wondered About

  • I find it amusing how little I knew about some of the most common, everyday items. Things like locks and keyboards, things that I interact with all the time and I had no idea of the capabilities. This, of course, makes me wonder how much time I have wasted in life staring at the solution to a problem I had all the while not knowing I was doing so.

    Out of all 11 items, I think I was only aware of about 3! Of course, I had to share this with my friends because I know that if I didn't know there was a really good chance they didn't either and well…it also solved some “bar room debates!”

    Sure enough, I got a few replies of “Huh, that's interesting.” or the ever popular “I KNEW IT!”

    I am sure that there are some people out there who knew all 11 but I for sure was not one of them. So post this to your Facebook page and see how many of your friends knew these little life hacks!

    Source: Factnomenal



