(VIDEO) These Shotgun Slugs Are Made From Dumbbells!

  • As website American Web Media notes, the YouTube video clearly demonstrates just how amazing these dumbbell shotgun slugs are. We highly recommend watching all the way through to the end!

    The 10-minute clip shows how he made the ammunition before he takes it out onto the shooting range.

    As you’ll see, he measures out his gun powder and pours it into his shotgun shell. He based his amount of powder off of the dumbbell slug he created, which weighed about 40 grams.

    With the powder in the shell, he puts the powder piston in and then uses the slug to weigh that down and push it into the powder. He pushes the piston down and then puts wads into the shell to keep the dumbbell slug in place for firing. He hopes this will cause it to start tumbling.

    At the 1:30-mark in the video, Ballistic Machinist goes into Detroit Machine Tools to use their Auto Mate CNC lathe to create the slug itself. Watching him create that is amazing.

    But the best part of the video, in my humble opinion, is when he takes his home-made slug out to the firing range.

    Watch the shooting video at the 3:25-mark to see what kind of a hole the dumbbell slug makes.

    When he goes up to the paper target at the 4:10-mark, you can see the dumbbell shape torn through the page.

    What do you think of these dumbbell shotgun slugs? Would you use them? What did you think of the YouTube video? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

    Article Source: American Web Media



    1. Justin Bukovitz said:

      I’ve seen these on Taofledermaus’s channel. He takes a lot of interesting projectiles and tests them to see how they perform when fired out of a shotgun.

    2. Justin Bukovitz said:

      YouTube is a great resource to learn about practical application of physics in projectile motion. The number of gun channels I watch daily is astounding.

    3. Marcel Betts said:

      I haven’t seen that video of theirs.
      ( at least I don’t think I have)
      I follow them specifically for their exotic shotgun slugs.
      12 gauge shotguns of practical for many reasons will there be hunting or home defense.

    4. Marcel Betts said:

      Trust me I also understand the practicality of YouTube is vastly underrated.

    5. Marcel Betts said:

      Like I said I’m a “plebeian” but I still enjoy and novelties and practicality.
      ( I believe I’ve admitted on more than one occasion I am a conundrum)
      I’m an isolationist liberal who supports the 2nd Amendment, wants universal healthcare inclusive government should stay out of your business after that!
      ( even I think there’s something wrong with me from time to time Justin Bukovitz)

    6. Dameon Clark said:

      Not very practical if you have to machine them out 1 at a time.. Js

    7. Jeremy Schrieber said:

      So they shrank the dumbells or they machined the dumbbells down into those. Or the person who came up with that tagline was a dumbbell.


