[Video] How To Deal With a Black Bear While Out In The Woods

  • One of the parts of surviving out in the woods is knowing what to do when you come across any kind of wild life. Whenever we venture out into the great unknown, whether it be for camping or after an SHTF scenario, we need to know the proper steps to take should our paths cross with a wild animal.

    One of the most common that people will run into is a Black Bear.

    While one would hope that these animals would be friendly this is not the movies and chances are they will react just like any other animal out in the wild.

    With the exception of anĀ animal or two, there is nothing more frightening than coming face to face with a large bear. Black bears are huge and can be vicious, particularly if they think they are being threatened.

    So let's take a look at the video and see what happens and what we should do to learn the proper steps to take when dealing with black bears out in the wild!

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    1. Gary Clement said:

      Always be aware of your surroundings. Hard to do sometimes. Need early warning system for bear.

    2. Bill Jaggers said:

      This is an extremely good commentary on hiking and/or living in bear county…… however, always carry bear spray. Not only does it possibly save your life from black bears and grizzlys, it works on pretty much all animals out there, including humans. Worth the extra weight!!

    3. George said:

      It’s true ….most bears will not attack you . Just go off on a 90 degree or more away from them . Dont take your eyes off them , and they go the other way . My mother used to go after the black bears going after the garbage cans at the cabin , with a broom . Ire in her voice and the broom flailing at them …they ran off into the woods . Me….I was scrambling to load shot gun slugs into the pump . My neighbor ( also European ) , her weapon of preference was a wet long string mop , when the grizzly was eating her tulip bulbs at the back of the motel office . There’s something curiously strange about the ire of european woman and bears . Me…..I was a geologist that worked in the field and had numerous encounters with all sorts of bears and groups of bears . When going to rig on a gorgeous summer day , walking , I encountered 3 bears ( 2 black bears and a brown ) sunning themselves on a slope , right beside the rig road , they looked just like Yogi bear and friends . I had just rounded the bend in the road and saw them , and they saw me . I went to the other side of the road , while still looking at them , and heard 2 more Black bears , about 5 yds away , eating blueberries on the other side of the slope . They looked up at me , and just went on eating blueberries . Now I did’nt run , but just kept on walking to the rig ( 1/4 of a mile away ) . When their feeding on blueberries , they just like to laze . There was no sudden moves , on my part , or change of pace , in the walk . So the old adage , ” let sleeping dogs lie ” ….applies to bears as well , depending on the situation and how nice of a day it is , lol .
      Now on another rig , named Gulf Stohlberg , I was leaving the camp quarters to go to my Geo unit , when I heard the rig dog ( Lab &St.Bernard cross ) barking up a storm . I opened the steel clad door , and saw the dog almost face to face with mama bear ( we knew she had a cub and was just an ornery b***h , that made trouble , all the time ) . I called him several times , to no avail . Now she was drawing in the dog , to give him a blow with her left paw and he was falling for it . I grabbed a nice shotput sized round quartz rock and heaved it , like a pitcher at a ball game . I got her square , right in the ear ! There was a loud hollow thunk as it connected . She jumped up about 6 feet , from all fours ! Surprise and pain all over her ! The rig dog immediately went on the attack ! She took off for the hills at 30 + mph . So this is what I did , on this occasion and you know the results . No time to grab the 7mm .
      Now there was this occasion , while fishing on the Dutch in late Summer . I got about 8 Rockies and had them on my live chain . When a 2-3 yr. old black bear came up , from behind me and too the left of me , and sat down . I caught him out of the corner of my eye , looked …a had a small start . He looked at me , and then looked at the river . I just smirked and went on fishing . He did not show any signs of aggression . I got another about a minute later ( they were really biting and fast ) , and gave it to the bear . Of which he greatly appreciated and went on fishing . I started to alternate ….1 fish for me …1 fish for him til he ate 5 nice big ones ( 2-3 lbs.) . And he just mosied along , again .
      There’s lots more stories , of my bear encounters in the woods . But just so much room .
      The trick is …..dont panic . Dont show fear , because its already too late . Move away slowly and away from the bear , while keeping your eyes on them ( mostly 90-120 degrees , if possible ) . Talk low and short , if you have too . Most cases you dont . I’m older now , and carry coyote spray , its cheaper than bear spray and works just as well .

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