[Video] 6 Methods Our Ancestors Used To Start A Fire

  • When you're out in the wild, you never know what you'll have access to, who you'll be with or what type of tools you'll have in your bag. As a result, it's best to learn a multitude of different ways to build a fire. Each of these methods has a corresponding video that will allow you to watch each method in action. It takes a bit of practice, but it'll be worth it when you're caught without heat in the outdoors!

    How To Start a Fire Using Sticks

    The simplest method for making a fire via friction in dry climates is the hand drill. The concept is pretty simple: you’ll have to cut a V shaped notch into a piece of wood, or fire-board if you like, then to use a rock/knife or whatever you have at your disposal for making a small depression adjacent to the notch, where you’ll place a piece of bark which will eventually catch the ember and burst into flames.

    In the next step you’ll have to put the spindle (a stick basically) in the depression and roll it vigorously between the palms of your hands.

    Some tried it in real life and failed miserably, but this guy seems to have got the hang of it.

    It’s worth mentioning that two persons can do it better, i.e. one person will apply downward pressure to the drill constantly, while the other will use a shoelace or a piece of string to rapidly rotate the spindle.

    How to Start a Fire by Friction

    If you’re alone, you can use this method. This method involves using a little bow for rolling the spindle and it’s order of magnitude is more efficient than doing it with your hands only.

    How to Start a Fire Using a Cord Drill and a Pump Drill

    You’ll learn how to make a cord drill first, then to upgrade it to a pump drill. The cord drill is a spindle featuring a flywheel attached basically and it works very well for making fires and more.

    How to Start a Fire With the Fire Plow Technique

    Another primitive method for making fire is the fire plow technique. You’ll cut a groove in a soft piece of wood, which will be the fire-board for all intents and purposes, and then you’ll rub/plough the tip of a harder shaft up/down the groove.

    This technique produces its own tinder.

    How to Start a Fire With a Fire Piston

    When you compress air inside a fire piston, it happens so quickly and efficiently that it can instantly ignite a piece of tinder placed at the end of the piston.

    The tube must be closed at one end, accurately bored and very smooth inside. The gasket can be improvised from fiber or leather for creating a seal for the piston in order to get the compression required.

    How to Start a Fire With Flint and Steel

    If you strike a softer steel against flint, you’ll produce sparks to ignite your fire. But you can also make fire with just what’s available out there, i.e. flint, marcasite, pyrite, fungus, grass/leaf and quartzite.

    Have you tried any of these methods to start a fire? Which one was the easiest?

    Article Source: Survivopedia


