Use This Process To Easily Teach Chickens To Come When Called

  • In a typical household, it's likely you'll find a well-trained dog who can perform several tricks at just the mention of the word “treat” from his human. On a homestead, you might find a well-trained dog as well, but you'll soon realize that he's not the only one who can follow commands.

    Chickens, for example, are a common homestead animal. You might picture them as disorganized animals pecking around aimlessly day after day. However, they can be trained to listen to human commands just as dogs can. You can even use a similar process to do so. It'll make life on a homestead easier and less stressful when you realize your chickens can be controlled!

    Keep reading to learn how to train your chickens to come when you call them!

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    1. Carol Stuart said:

      Anyone with chickens already figured this out. City people…..geeze.

    2. Amie Kruegel said:

      My chickens come when called. My kids laugh at me because I go outside and yell, “roll call” and they all come running.

    3. Ronnie Frazier said:

      Lmfao its called feeding at one time an place hell chickens will even put thrmselves to roost in apen

    4. Joe Fighera said:

      Exactly! My birds are all over me the second i step in the yard.

    5. Ronnie Frazier said:

      Ive got a bronze breast turkey that follows me l8ke a dog an chickens eat out of my habd
      But they dont know when shtf there. In a pot
      Everyone. Needs at least ten hens one rooster. About 8. 9 eggs a day an let 2 sit on hatch have 50 60 bye following year

    6. Karmen Quigley said:

      They come when I yell chickey chickey cuz they know I must have a treat for them.

    7. Michael Sherlock said:

      Here chicky chicky works just fine.. you walk with chicken feed sprinkle.. here chicky chicky.. walk a couple steps.. sprinkle here chicky chicky.. then eventually they will come to chicky chicky.

    8. Aileen Simblet said:

      I just have to open my front door or pull up in the car to get them to come

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