Three Animals That May Do More Harm Than Good If Eaten When Out In the Wild

  • Just as it is now a post-collapse existence is no different…at least when it comes to this.

    Even now while sometimes it is tempting to eat the same thing over and over and over it may not be the best thing for your health. The same is true for surviving out in the wild.

    The animals found out in the wild, while some tasty if prepared correctly, do not hold the nutrients that would be able to sustain you long term. This is why food preparedness is so important. You need to make sure that you have enough to sustain you until you are able to start growing and harvesting your own fruits and veggies.

    So we did some digging and have complied a list on the next page based on our findings. These 3 animals are the biggest culprits of harm as they seem harmless enough to eat at every meal. So take a gander and let us know what you think.

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    1. Pete Williams said:

      We love hunting and eating rabbits during the off season. I ate rabbit for breakfast. Better for you than Burger King!

    2. Herb Davis said:

      Dumb$#%&!@* we use potatoes and flour plus other veggies along with bacon grease to name a few, no one just eats a rabbit, a squirrel or just a fish every time by them selves although they are good. and with fish most of us that go camping have eggs and potatoes with fish when we are lucky enough to catch them. Holy Carp bat man

    3. Dustin Gotz said:

      Pot, meet kettle. The article isn’t talking about camping for fun with a well stocked larder. It is talking about “surviving in the wild”.

    4. Herb Davis said:

      I lived in the country and that was our main supply of meats, we were hard up at times and apparently you have no idea of what a well stocked larder is in the first place, Flour was a commodity as salt pork salt and sugar were not always affordable. if you haven’t lived it don’t talk it. because I have

    5. Barry Williams said:

      How interesting…. the three animals you should NOT eat are… CLICK THE NEXT$#%&!@*PAGE. …$#%&!@*you.!!! DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME ON THIS CLICKBAIT$#%&!@*!!!!!!

    6. Mark Sherk said:

      Don’t even lis waterfowl, the mercury build up would kill you if you ate them every day.

    7. Bruce Somes said:

      Yes rabbit squirrel and fish are low in fat, low in calories, most wild meat is exceptions bears moose buffalo(bison) but unless your hunting for a community(10+), you aren’t hunting these heavier animals,antelope deer elk fox coyote woodchuck porcupine are other meats available raccoon skunk possum mink beaver muskrat are fatty and need heavy spicing to overcome distint flavor(hint remove glands from hams to reduce muskiness.

    8. Charles Eaton said:

      While it is true about those three animals. In a SHTF scenario you won’t be eating 4000 Cal. a day unless your liveing high on the hog so to speak.

    9. John Ward said:

      Click bait bullshit & assuming a diet of 4,000 calories!

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