This Prepper Shared His Underground Bunker He Made with Just a few Tools

  • Underground bunkers are every survivalists and preppers dream yet many give up long before they get to see their dreams fulfilled, but with some preparation and strategic planning, it’s possible. After all, an underground bunker is the perfect place to stay should the worst happen and the world have a total SHTF type of crisis.

    So if having an underground bunker is such a good idea then why do many push this dream aside? Most say it's simply due to the cost, and the plans not turning out how they envisioned. But if I have learned anything it's that life is never how you envisioned it but that should never stop you. The main goal of any shelter is to keep you and your loved ones safe during a time when they need you the most.

    That is just what this guy did! He decided not to worry about what others may think and designed his very own underground bunker. He built it by hand, so his cost went down considerably. All it took for him was time, some elbow grease, and a very smart use of space.

    Check out this incredible bunker after the break. 

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    1. Albert Patty said:

      “Have you ever attempted an underground bunker? What tips do you have for those attempting it?” yes I have one I made it .. what tips do i have ,, read “Nuclear war survival skills by Cresson H Kearny. ” It will have all you need to know about UG bunkers.

    2. George Parsons said:

      my thought is if you opt to build or buy one….you will want to keep it a secret. you dont want people knowing you have one.

    3. Albert Patty said:

      you dang sure dont want to get caught in one or try and defend it.

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