This Planter is Made From a Wine Bottle and Waters Itself!

  • Here are the step-by-step instructions for making this nifty self-watering wine bottle planter. This planter is as cool as it is functional!

    Step 1: Bottle Cutter
    I purchased this bottle cutter to try the project and use some of the old wine bottles i have saved.

    This model is clamped to the bottle and the cutting wheel is engaged to meet the bottle. Then you turn the bottle to score it.

    Step 2: Make the Glass Run.
    On my model, once you have cut the line in the glass you have to make the glass run along the score.

    This is accomplished by placing silicone o-rings around the bottle and pouring almost boiling water in the channel made by them. The bottle will split along the score almost perfectly.

    Now, sand the edge. To do this, start with a rough grit and then make your way up to a finer texture. After this, cut a circle of screen to hold the soil, and then tie the twine through the circle so that the twine hangs out of the bottle's throat. Add soil and plants and fill halfway with water.

    Wow! This sounds really cool. Have you ever tried anything like this? What did you think of it? Does this seem like something you'd like to try at home? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

    Article Source: Instructables



