This New Thermal Imaging Tool is Surprisingly Affordable


    The Verdict:

    As a security tool, its applications are limited. Camping somewhere sketchy by yourself? I can understand the desire to see without giving up your position. But that said, if a threat is already within 100 yards, well, they already know exactly where you are. Worried about movement outside your house? Your money is better spent on motion-sensor security lights. Are you really going to pull this out of your pocket to scan a dark alley? Just avoid that dark alley.

    Trying to spot animals? It’s extremely rare that anything worth seeing will move to within 100 yards of you at night. For hunters, the only real potential use is in locating a dead animal. And even that’s a long shot, dependent on terrain and brush working in your favor.

    A powerful flashlight, purchased at one-sixth of the cost, and with many more uses, would handle all of the above scenarios better, and give you a longer visible range, even if it does give up your position.

    Trying to use the Scout TK to move through tricky terrain at night is difficult and awkward. You’d be better off taking the time to allow your eyes to adapt to the dark, then moving slowly.

    People who just want to play around with thermal imaging may find the $250 FLIR One a better option. It’s a thermal camera that mounts to your smartphone, allowing you to use that as a screen. Its lens is optimized for close-up viewing: it can see a wider field of view, but doesn’t have the Scout TK’s range. And obviously lighting up your phone’s screen will give up your position at night.

    If you would like to purchase this device you can do so by clicking the link HERE 

    So what do you think of this camera? Does it sound like it's worth the money? Would you consider buying it? Tell us what you think in the comment section below!

    Article Source: Outside



    1. James Grouzos said:

      Didn’t work well in areas with lots of trees. I bought one but ended up selling it.


