This Emergency Shelter is Portable and Could Save Someone’s Life!

  • We're Buying One of These for Our Bug Out Kit!

    If the unthinkable should happen and you were forced to flee your home, finding shelter quickly could be quite difficult, especially if you also have to deal with dangerous or inclimate weather such as rain, harsh temperatures or storms. This situation could become even worse if it happens on a mass scale, for example, if a SHTF situation occurs and the grid goes down or dozens of people lose their homes to a storm. In this case, it would be imperative to cheaply, quickly and easily set up a mass shelter area to accommodate everyone.

    Fortunately, there's a product on the market that promises to do just that, and we can't believe how simple but also innovative this idea is! Basically, it's a dome-shaped shelter that can be put up quickly and that is said to be just as sturdy as any building. It's essentially like pitching a tent, but way, way more durable and protective. This is great!

    To learn more about this ingenious portable shelter, please continue to Page (2) for the full story.

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    1. Jim Treese said:

      It would be nice if you would give information on who actually builds these domes…Zero info…Your writers are idiots…

    2. Jilliane Clark said:

      The article did not list who makes them, cost or where can you buy one. That info would have been helpful.

    3. Tina Bina said:

      Ok seriously in a bug out as scenario unless u r bugging out with several vehicles or a semi ur not hauling this thing anywhere quickly. Watch the video they had 3 grown$#%&!@*men assembling it with ladders. Tell me again how this is handy if it’s not already set up someplace ahead of time. If it is that would be the ideal situation

    4. Sarah Eveland said:

      Well there is no company name or link to research what this is or who made it. You have to look at the comments section to even see who they are. (BTW, ) That being said, the 20′ model is 1100 pounds! You almost need a Semi to transport the thing! I would NOT consider this very portable unless you permanently mount it on a trailer, and then you need an oversize permit to move it anywhere. It could be used as a shelter on your SHFT property but again it is not very portable. There are no prices listed on their website, you have to request a quote. Though this is a nice concept it is not very feasable for most DIY preppers. There are other options out there that are more economic and available to the general public. Do some research to find what is best for you and your family.

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