This Community Made A Cheap & Effective Air Conditioner Using 2 Materials

  • This air conditioning device was not only simple and inexpensive, but it also recycles old bottles. In a community where resources are limited, it's both inspiring and clever to see how they called upon their combined knowledge to make life a bit easier in the summertime. It's also a great project for those who want to lower their monthly power costs and live off the grid!

    More than 28,000 people live in a tiny area called Daulatdia in Bangladesh. They are cramped in small huts with no running water and temperatures can rise above 113º F.

    They've come up with the first electricity-free air conditioning.

    It's made of one piece of sturdy cardboard and a series of recycled plastic bottles. The bottoms and necks of the bottles are cut away and then stuck into a series of holes cut into the board.

    The board is placed in front of a door or window.

    Hot air enters the bottles from the outside and then sends cooler air out of the thinner neck. The principle is similar to the effect when you exhale into your hand with an open mouth or with pursed lips.

    This simple solution can cool an indoor space by more than 10º F.

    Would you consider building this DIY air conditioner for an off-grid home?

    Article Source: Cleverly


    1. Chris Pippin said:

      What they don’t mention is that they have to be installed on a shaded north-facing wall (or any other shaded wall except south) for optimum performance…

    2. Chris Brown said:

      So it will take the room from 100 degrees all the way down to 90 degrees? Win.


