These LED Safety Glasses Proves Multitasking Can Sometimes Be a Good Thing!

  • These Useful Glasses Do Two Jobs at Once!

    If you're an avid DIYer, you probably wear safety glasses nearly every time you do a project, whether large or small. While pretty much any pair of safety glasses will do, why settle for basic, plain old glasses when you can jazz them up a bit and make them multi-functional? We recently found an incredibly easy way to do make your safety glasses do double duty by combining them with LED lights. That's right! You probably need a light for many of your DIY projects anyway, so instead of having to hold the light while you're working, you can have it on your glasses so your hands are free for working!

    We really like these LED safety glasses because they're relatively cheap and easy to make. Even a novice can make them, and you don't have to go out and buy a lot of expensive equipment and materials. Plus, they're incredibly practical because they'll make your DIY projects so much easier!

    To learn how to make these ingenious LED safety glasses at home, please continue to Page (2) for the instructions.

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