These 4 Wild Plants Are Ideal for Treating a Toothache

  • These Plants Can Offer Relief Until You Can Get to a Dentist!

    There's nothing quite like the intense pain of a toothache, which can leave you in agony and unable to do even the simplest task. Plus, a tooth infection is potentially deadly, so getting prompt medical treatment is imperative. However, toothaches have a way of occurring unexpectedly, often in the most inopportune and inconvenient ways — for example, when you're out camping or when you don't have access to your emergency first aid kit.

    Fortunately, there are several wild plants that are ideal for both easing the painful symptoms of a toothache and for fighting off infection, so you can have time to get to a dentist and get thorough and proper medical care. These remedies were used for centuries before modern medicine came along, so even though they're not pharmaceutical, they're still incredibly effective!

    To learn which four wild plants make ideal toothache remedies, please continue to Page (2) for the list.

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