The Top Health Threats That Could Be Fatal After SHTF

  • Movies and television shows like The Walking Dead have popularized the idea of an apocalypse. We often jokingly think about the desolate society that would appear in the wake of such a disaster. Sure, the concept of fighting against zombies or battling for food makes for quality entertainment, but how well off would we actually be after something like an apocalypse? The truth is that movies and TV shows can't exactly show us how to prepare when SHTF.

    In order to properly prep, we must know what know what to expect from the wake of a nuclear fallout, apocalypse, natural disaster or other calamity. We can pretty much guarantee that there will be violence that results in death. So, the violence might be our biggest worry. What about all of the diseases that could uncontrollably engulf the human race? If you take a quick look back through history, you'll notice that mass casualties often came in the form of diseases during wartime. It would likely be the same case for modern day society when SHTF. We would instantly be transported centuries back in time since medical care, antibiotics and equipment would either run out or be unreachable.

    Continue reading to see which diseases could be fatal when SHTF!

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    One Comment;

    1. JF Nowinski said:

      Internal strep infection. You will die without a very skilled surgeon.

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