The One Tree That Can Kill Your Livestock

  • The danger with the cherry tree is in the leaves and within the bark of the tree itself.

    Cherry trees are known for having leaves that produce cyanide as they begin to wilt. As the animals ingest these leaves it suffocates the oxygen that is in the blood stream and if a lethal amount is consumed the animal will die quickly and there may not be enough time to treat the animal.

    Depending on the type and size of the animal the lethal dosage is different.

    So how do you know if your animal has been poisoned? Here are the signs and symptoms to look for.

    Most animals will show signs of weakness and distress in the forms of labored breathing, agitation and lack of coordination. If an animal displays any of these symptoms, immediate action should be taken, even if you are not sure that wilted cherry leaves are the cause. Time could be the difference between having a living or dead animal.

    While these trees are beautiful, the risk for poisoning to animals is great. So do a walk through of your pasture and make sure your fields are cleared of any such trees. If they are present then we would suggest removing them. There are many companies out there that can relocate trees to another area so they can still bloom but in a space that is far from your livestock.

    Source: OffTheGridNews



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