The Nations 10 Most Deadly National Parks.

  • Now that we are in the first week of spring we are sure to see the cold begin to subside and the flowers push through the soil and brighten up the world around us.

    Families will gather for bbq's, parties and get-togethers to enjoy not only each others company but the beautiful weather and the best place to do this is a national park!

    There are many to choose from and while wonderfully preserved there are some dangers that many people do not think of, and it's these dangers that often prove deadly.

    So we have compiled a list of our nation's 10 deadliest parks so you can be aware and use extra caution if you venture into any of these locations.

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    1. Daniel Norling said:

      Let’s take selfies as we are just inches from falling into this pool of acid!

    2. Ann Waters said:

      the article should have said how the people died in the parks…

    3. John Esposito said:

      National Parks are very dangerous period. US Government likes to keep a lid on the rapes, robberies and murders occurring there. I am a former NPS Law Enforcement Supervisor and it looks like they finally are disclosing some issues.

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