The Food Our Ancestors Survived On That Can Be Stored for 50 Years!

  • When looking at prepping and food storage longevity is paramount. Being able to safely store edible items that can be ingested is something that takes thought and consideration. Each food group has a particular shelf life so finding those things that can be stored away for long periods o time can be difficult after awhile. So we did what we often do, we looked to our past for answers.

    What did our ancestors and the early explorers of this great continent do to survive? How did they ensure that they would have food even when there was no guarantee of any kind of return on crops or animals. You would need a way to have a source of the high-calorie protein-rich food source that could be carried and stored with ease.

    This is where pemmican comes in handy.

    So let's look at a recipe that has been proven to work since the 1700's and has proven to keep people fed even in the harshest of environments.

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