The Best Ways To Use Activated Charcoal

  • Lately is seems that you cannot turn on the television, go online or pick up a magazine without seeing yet another product on the market that is boasting about the amazing benefits of activated charcoal.

    Now it is true that this item is really a gift from nature and can, in fact, help with a numerous amount of problems. In fact, our ancestors and even expert survivalist will tell you it is a must have, but what exactly are the best uses for it?

    It has the versatility for purifying, cleansing, and healing as it absorbs poisonous toxins, eliminating these impurities from water, air, and even from inside our bodies.

    We can use it in everything from survival situations for purifying water and as a salve for an injury to a beauty or cleaning product! The possibilities are endless yet it amazes me that some people still have no idea all the wonderful ways this can be used.

    So let’s look at some lesser known ways we van utilize activated charcoal! Number 7 was my favorite because I learned about it the hard way…You'll understand when you read it!

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