The 6 Laws of Survival: Rigid But Necessary

  • Having a Plan Could Save Your Life!

    We talk a lot about survival and what to do if a catastrophe strikes. However, knowing that a SHTF moment could occur at any time, and also envisioning what that look like, are two different things entirely. That's why it's enough to simply study survival techniques, you also have to have a clear and detailed plan for what you'll do should the worst happen. That's why we've compiled several rules that you absolutely must follow if you want to get out of a SHTF situation alive and well. That may sound a little scary, but it's also very true!

    You see, when a situation that bad occurs, all the old rules go out the window and you'll probably be forced to come up with new ones just to make it out alive. It's definitely a time to think outside the box and be able to improvise. You also need to be able to read situations and make quick decisions about the best path to take. And this following set of laws won't steer you wrong. Following them gives you a solid plan for navigating any crisis.

    To learn the six essential rules of survival, please continue to Page (2) for the full list.

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    One Comment;

    1. Dingus McGregor McGee said:

      My hard, fast, written in stone rule. Stay away from cities at all costs. Stay away from stranger in groups of 1 or more. If they aren’t you then they are likely the enemy. Defaf is the drink of the devil.


