Surviving a Train Accident: Here’s What To Do

  • The majority of us get into our cars each day and drive on the crowded highways. Many of us even travel on planes every week depending on our jobs. However, fewer of us get onto trains on a regular basis. Unless you're commuting into a busy city like New York City or have been on one during a vacation, you may not even remember the last time you were on a train.

    Since trains aren't as widely used, we don't hear much about accidents involving them. Although there were a few during 2016, last year was an exception. Nevertheless, the next time you get on a train you might want to rethink your strategy and approach it like you would a plane. Your survival could be based on which seat you choose and how you react in the first few seconds of the accident.

    Continue on to learn how to maximize your chances of survival if you're in a train accident! 

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