Survival Skill: 3 Methods of Torch-Building

  • When in the wilderness, your supplies are your lifeline. The items you carry with you keep you safe and sound when traveling through nature. One of the scariest situations happens when your supplies are compromised or when you failed to prepare for certain emergencies. For example, you could be an excellent navigator, but still, find yourself lost in the woods with the sun setting quickly. As it gets darker, your chances of survival decrease and you must find a way to provide yourself with warmth and light in order to survive the night.

    As a result, the ability to build a torch using the resources around you is necessary. Your flashlight may be out of power or you may have expected to be back home before the sun goes down so you failed to bring one with you. Even if you have matches, they could have been doused by rain. A torch gives you the heat and light you need, but it also gives you the option to keep moving toward a safe destination, unlike a fire.

    Keep reading to see 3 different ways to build a torch!

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