Stranded For 2 Years In The Antarctic: Heres How They Survived!

  • Have you ever heard of the Shackleton Antarctic expedition? It's a true adventure story that will have you at the edge of your seat. About 100 years ago, one brave man and his crew of sailors all took off to explore the Antarctic. They encountered so many obstacles but their sense of adventure kept them eager to continue. How was it like for these men during their voyage? You need to read this amazing story of perseverance and bravery! They were true pioneers of unexplored and treacherous lands as well as professionals at living an off-grid life. This story is almost too good to be true.


    Check out the story of Ernest Shackleton and his adventure to the Antarctic on the next page!

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    1. Cody Sullivan said:

      Thanks for this post! The anti faction of our nation ones grow tiresome.

    2. Scout Driskell said:

      So only one of the men was brave?
      The rest must have been a bunch of whiney$#%&!@*little girls.

    3. Dennis Tyndall said:

      The sad part of the story following Shakleford’s crossing in a life boat rigged as a sail boat with a small crew to South Georgia Island Whaling Station is they were rescued and subsequently most of the crew were conscripted and died in WW1. It must have been hell to have wrapped yourself inside of a gutted Empororer Penguin just for body heat to survive. Endurance. Read it many times.

    4. Viola Mack said:

      cool story, but it would have been nice to include how 22 + men all were able to eat, and keep warm.

    5. Jacob Neely said:

      Yea there are penguins and some birds and of course fish so maybe that’s how but keeping warm u dunno.

    6. Shawn Kelly said:

      This was way back when the Arctic areas of the world were mostly untouched. There are seals, penguin, polar bears, and fish that are normally shown as the Arctic’s main animals, but there’s a vast food chain that exists to keep those animals alive.

    7. Shawn Kelly said:

      Damn, you’re right. Looks like they have whales as their biggest animals, with birds being the main animals. I must have been thinking the northern arctic earlier.

    8. Mike Floyd said:

      That’s all this site is . I keep waiting for something worth while but I’m not seeing it . They will be blocked soon.

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