Skip The Movie Theater And Make A Smartphone Projector!

  • When we watch a movie at home, it just isn't the same as watching it in a theater. This is because we are missing the big movie projector. This video from Tech Builder will show you how to make a smartphone projector so you can have that theater experience. You'll be stunned by the results!


    Wow! This projector is awesome. All you need is a magnifying glass, a form board, some masking tape, a cutter, a hot glue gun, your smartphone, a ruler and a shoe box. Then you cut the handle of the magnify glass and use the glass for the projector lens. Then you glue the flaps on each side of the shoe box to the sides. Cut a hole in the side of the shoe box big enough for the lens then glue the lens to the cardboard. Then you make the stand for your smartphone using the form board. Then move the phone back and forth until the movie is in focus. Then sit back and enjoy your movie!

    To learn more about making a smartphone projector, you can visit:





