Should We Fear Enemy Missiles When The U.S. Military Has This Up Their Sleeve

  • Most of the country's military operations and daily activities occur behind closed doors and for good reason. However, the military has released footage of a missile intercept that allows us to see with our own eyes the preparation of our armed forces. You might even sleep better at night after seeing the video!

    Are you concerned about an enemy nation attacking the U.S. via a missile?

    Article Source: Youtupe Mania


    1. Harold Mcdermott said:

      They would have nothing to lose if North Korea used nukes so they could bomb places like nuclear power plants that store tons of spent fuel rods! They don’t care about there own people let alone the rest of the world

    2. Jen Röessler said:

      If our military shows anything they have., imagine what they don’t show. US Government, Military, NASA, and Hollywood all work together. Some believe it, many don’t. Do the research on all….and what they have in common

    3. Alex Penz said:

      We have great missile defense, but most ICBMs have multiple warheads that are very small and hard targets to hit. Many other nations are successfully developing counter technology systems capable of rendering our defense systems inoperable, which poses more of a threat to our defense and standard infrastructure than a nuke. We also have countermeasures in place for such an attack, but really its a cat and mouse game… Still, all of this is out of our control, so its not worth worrying over.


