Remember to Have These Essential Items in Your EDC

  • Many of us would consider water and food as 2 of the main items our EDC should hold. However, we must think about a number of situations we could encounter. Below is a list of commonly overlooked essentials you should have on you or in your car at all times: 

    1. Cash

    We generally use credit or debit cards for almost everything. That means that when the lights go out, so does our purchasing power. If there’s a blackout and you have to buy gasoline to get home, you’re stuck.

    Carrying $100 in cash may seem like a waste of a good $100, but in such a situation it could mean being able to buy food, water and gasoline. Carry a number of smaller bills.

    2. Spare magazine

    The number of people carrying concealed has been growing in recent years. But few people carry a spare magazine.

    While carrying a couple of spare magazines may be a hassle, it could be a lifesaver. I carry two extended capacity magazines, plus the normal capacity in my pistol. That gives me a total of 20 rounds.

    3. Lighter & accelerant

    About the only other people who carry a cigarette lighter with them are those who smoke. I have one in my EDC kit in my car, but I also have a small one on my key ring. That way, I always have the means to start a fire. I also carry a small aluminum container, filled with magnesium powder. This burns readily and can be used in conjunction with the lighter to get a fire going, even when I’m having trouble finding dry tinder.

    4. Rain poncho or umbrella

    I have both an umbrella and a rain poncho in my EDC kit in the car.

    While the human body is drip-dry, our clothing may not be. Besides, wet clothing will make you lose body heat considerably faster. If your clothes get wet toward sundown, when the temperature is dropping, this could set you up for hypothermia. Better to stay dry, rather than risk that.

    5. OTC medicines

    Carrying a few pain relievers and Benadryl in your EDC can make a huge difference on those days when your body just isn’t feeling up to par.

    7. First-aid kit or supplies

    Whether it’s a paper cut in the office or skinned knuckles from changing a tire, I rarely get through a week without some minor cut or scrape.

    While I’m used to ignoring minor scratches and scrapes, that can’t be done with larger injuries. Not only does the blood get all over everything, but the larger the injury, the greater the chance of infection. Properly treating an injury is an important part of maintaining your health.

    Besides, you never know when you’ll encounter someone else that needs some first-aid.

    8. Solar phone charger

    I rarely manage to get through a day without having to top off my battery, and I know I don’t use my cell phone as much as others do.

    I keep a solar phone charger on the dashboard of my car. That way, it’s constantly being charged, so that it is always full to charge my phone. With my solar charger, I can take the charge with me, then return it to its home, when I go back to the car.

    9. Spork

    Carrying a spork with you gives you something to use when you find something to eat. You can buy stainless steel, titanium or plastic. The best ones have a spoon at one end and a fork at the other. Between this and your pocket knife, you’ll always be ready to eat.

    10. P-38 can opener

    While not as easy to use as a kitchen can opener, they are reliable. With one, you’ll never find yourself in a situation where you can’t open a can and eat the contents.

    11. Spare batteries

    Carrying a few spare batteries along in your EDC bag will make it possible to continue using your portable electronics, long after the battery wears out. This is especially important for your flashlight, which I assume is already part of your EDC.

    12. Copies of items in your wallet/purse

    Make copies of your driver’s license, concealed carry permit or passport. It doesn’t take much time.

    13. Emergency contact list

    Today, many people need to look up their own number, let alone those of family and friends. That means if they lose their phone, they can’t call anyone, even if they can find a phone to use. A simple laminated card, with important phone numbers on it, can get you out of many a sticky situation.

    What do you recommend having in your EDC? Is there anything we should add to the list?

    Article Source: Off The Grid News


