Our Ancestors Stayed Healthy By Relying On These Powerful Herbs

  • Many of these herbs will look familiar, but not necessarily because you’ve used them medicinally before. Instead, they probably ended up on your dinner plate as a seasoning. These herbs are more than just added flavor. They can be the natural solution to health problems!

    Basil. The fluid in basil leaves can help eliminate the risk of infection when applied as a poultice to minor wounds. Boiling the leaves in water along with sea salt and cloves can create a tea to fight off influenza.

    Parsley. Parsley contains a number of volatile compounds that inhibit the growth of tumors. It also is rich in vitamin C, and it has been shown to be useful in reducing the effects of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

    Oregano. Currently, oregano oil is being studied in both its liquid and vapor form for its ability to kill listeria and hospital strains of MRSA. Oregano also is being studied for its ability to slow tumor growth in breast cancer patients and as a potential control method for type-2 diabetes.

    Valerian. Although less common than some of the other herbs, valerian root is incredibly effective at treating sleep disorders.

    Lavender. Lavender oil is very effective in the treatment of minor fungal infections. Lavender oil is astringent in nature and is well-known for its anti-bacterial qualities. The scent of lavender lessens anxiety and promotes a sense of calm and well-being.

    Mint. Mint tea is also used to treat indigestion or inflammation of the gut caused by illness. It offers relief from nausea due to motion sickness. Mint oil can be used to alleviate headaches.

    Chamomile. Chamomile tea can be used to sooth gastrointestinal problems, such as heart burn, diverticular disorders and spasms of the stomach and intestine. It is useful as a mild sedative, and it helps alleviate insomnia. Chamomile salves are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids and minor wounds.

    Dill. For centuries, people have turned to dill for the treatment of diarrhea, excess gas and dysentery. Dill also has been studied for its ability to promote good bone density. Dill is effective at removing free radicals from the body.

    *Please consult with a qualified health professional first.

    Have you grown any of these herbs in your own garden and been able to use them for medicinal purposes?

    Article Source: Off The Grid News

    One Comment;

    1. Steven Lowe said:

      I see this statement alot. Our ancestors were very unhealthy compairitivly and lived very short lives.


