Malware Vs. The U.S. Power Grid: Why Everyone Should Be Prepared

  • When we're in prepping mode, we stockpile certain items based on the type of SHTF event(s) we think will most occur at our location. Most of the time those are natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes or even something like civil unrest.

    However, we don't consider that our nation's power grid could be directly attacked by enemies via hacking. With the advanced technology in this day and age, it is an event for which it's necessary to start prepping since its becoming increasingly likely to occur. Not only would a lack of electricity cause a major inconvenience in our daily lives, but it would take away our government's and military's ability to defend the country. It's a scary thought!

    Keep reading to find out how a certain type of malware could be easily used against the U.S. power grid! 

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    One Comment;

    1. Sue Kurrle said:

      If I can I’ll install a huge underground Gastank filled with gas and have several generators with spare parts for future discretionary usage..and woodstacked up to the sky.


