Make This PVC Laundry Hamper And Enjoy Doing Laundry!

  • As website The Homestead Survival notes, the process is actually pretty simple. We love how you don't have to go to a bunch of different stores or order a bunch of expensive materials to make this handy PVC hamper!

    PVC piping is made to be assembled in lengths and with curves and bends. You can find all the pieces you’ll need usually at the same store or manufacturer. Start with a drawing of the layout. It seems simple enough to do in your mind but you’ll want to make sure you have all the lengths and joints you will need.

    Measure to ensure it will fit your laundry bags with enough room for expansion. The bags will be tied on so consider the size of the opening as well. Additionally if you’d like a cover, you will need hinges and fabric to make the top.

    Glue is not needed in most cases where the PVC piping attaches but test the grip to make sure. Pipe kits also have grip clips that can secure the bag top in place, wrapped around the support pipes.

    We already have some of the materials we need just lying around the house, and we're willing to bet anyone who's a DIY enthusiast probably will as well. This may be our next weekend project!

    Article Source: The Homestead Survival



