Knife Carrying Thief Chased Off By Soup Ladle Wielding Kitchen Worker

  • Now I wouldn't recommend that anyone try to fight off any attackers the way these gentlemen did. We obviously believe that your safety should always be your first concern but we do want to share with you what these gentlemen did and how it saved their lives.

    “He came in and said, ‘Give me money!’” hero cook Liu Chen, who was working in the kitchen, told the Daily News.

    Before the bandit could grab any cash, Chen and a female co-worker — he with a soup ladle, she with a knife — emerged and attacked the robber.

    Chen then grabbed a stool from behind the counter to menace the armed robber, chasing the suspect outside.

    See for yourself just how everything went down. Kudos to these people for protecting themselves. This just goes to show you that anything can be used as a weapon if needed.


