Keep Your Brain “Fit” For Survival Using These Methods

  • When we're prepping, most of the items on our to-do list are more physical. We try to improve the health of our body by exercising, we gather food and supplies to stockpile from the store and we make changes to our house to make it as safe and durable as possible. Prepping is so focused on the physical aspect that we forget about the mental aspect, which is arguably just as important.

    Your resilience and ability to remain positive have been found to be a crucial part of survival when in a precarious situation. You can stay focused and calm when you're mentally stable and as a result, you'll make more sound decisions. To stay physically fit, we exercise and eat healthy. To stay mentally fit, we must exercise our brains by playing games. It's a work out for our minds. It can actually be much more fun than stockpiling, too!

    Keep reading to learn how to stay mentally strong for those crucial moments when SHTF!

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