Is That Plastic Cracking? 6 Incredible Ways To Repair It That Will Make It As Good As New!

  • Most of us have been repairing and fixing things all by ourselves for years. We just use our tools and some hard work and have a finished product that we are proud of. However, trying to repair broken or chipped plastic is another story. These simple methods for doing just that will change the way you see broken or damaged plastic forever. You'll be stunned by how well it turns out!

     The Best Methods For Repairing Broken Plastic Are:


    Hot Water, Cold water
    Heat up  water on  stove or in  microwave until it’s just below a boil,  prepare  bowl of cold water. Place  plastic  in water to warm it. Take  item out of  hot water bath periodically, test it’s malleability.  It will become soft enough to straighten with your fingers. Once you have it in shape you want, put  plastic  in  cold water to cool.

    Plastic Welding with Heat
    If you have two separate pieces of plastic that need to be joined or if you have a crack,  you’ll need to do some plastic welding. The basic idea is to apply heat to  edges being joined in order to melt  plastic until it is liquid enough to blend  edges together. Additional plastic can be melted into  groove to create a stronger bond,  this won’t always be necessary.


    Plastic Welding with Friction
    A small bit of plastic  is spun at a high RPM, pressed against  intended joint between two separate plastic pieces. The friction melts  plastic of  two pieces being joined, as well as  plastic that is spinning, which creates  sturdy bond.

    Plastic Patches
    If you have a large enough hole,  you’ll need to create plastic patch for it. The answer to this particular problem seems to have been best addressed by kayakers. Using heat source, soften  edges of  hole, section of plastic you’ll be using as  patch ,place it to ensure  hole is completely covered. This get’s pretty hot, you’ll need gloves. Once,  patch is in place, use  hot metal spoon, trowel to smooth out  edges.

    Acetone for ABS Plastic
    Acetone is a solvent that’s pretty effective at melting ABS plastics.. A concoction of acetone and ABS known as ABS slurry can be used as a glue or as a filler for smoothing grooves or filling in gaps.

    For plastics it’s best to use super glue.


    As you can see there are many ways you can repair damaged plastic. You can get it hot in some warm water to make it bendable and then shape it the way you want and cool it down. You can try welding with heat or with friction. You can make a patch for the plastic to repair it or you can use acetone to help you melt the plastic and fill in any cracks. Finally, you can always just try some super glue. If you have broken plastic items, these methods will help you save it so that you can use it again.

    For more information about repairing damaged plastic, you can visit:




