Is Big Brother Watching? Avoid Facial Recognition Software With These Tips!

  • It's a Little Like Living in a Sci-Fi Movie!

    It's something we've seen often in science fiction and dystopian film and literature: the idea that every citizen is under video surveillance 24/7, with everyone's photo also stored in a national or even international database that authorities can use when they want to track someone. Then, all they need to do is access surveillance cameras anywhere in the world, and use a fancy computer program to search for your image among the millions of cameras located on every corner. But that's just in the movies, right?

    Well…maybe it is, or maybe that futuristic technology is already in widespread use. Even if it's not, many people believe it will be before too long, so it's a good idea to learn how to conceal your identity and camouflage yourself so you can't be tracked by facial recognition software. That's why we have several tips that will help you conceal your identity so you can stay anonymous.

    To learn how to avoid being identified by facial recognition software, please continue to Page (2) for our top tips.

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    1. Morgan LeFay said:

      these are just tips to avoid being identified by humans. recognition software can identify patterns in things that are almost impossible to conceal

    2. Keith Sims said:

      Probably already being used by elements of the government ……sorry hit the post button by mistake on first post

    3. Kevin McDaniels said:

      What you see on tv (Hunted) and in the movies that we are all impressed by is such old technology compared to what the Feds use now, that it isn’t a threat to security that other countries know we have it.

    4. William B Mckenzie said:

      Want to avoid facial recognition!? One simple step and YOUR FRIENDS WILL NOT BELIEVE THE RESULT!
      Peel your face.


