I Didn’t Think It Could Work But I Was Wrong- A Surprising Use for Steel Wool

  • I will admit that when I noticed my neighbor doing this the other day I was slightly confused. So I did what I always do, and when I was back at the computer I looked it up, and sure enough it's a legit way to clean a cars windshield!

    Would you ever clean your car’s windshield with an abrasive material such as Steel Wool or better known as Wire Wool? If you had asked me that a few days ago I would have looked at you like you were crazy because it just sounds like a bad idea however, there is a reason behind the madness…. a good one too!

    There is an age-old hack when you scrub your windshield with Super Fine 0000 Steel Wool and the results are pretty impressive!

    When you get your car detailed they do the exact same thing!

    With the Steel Wool you can do a few things besides clean your windshield… there are a lot of other awesome things!

    So let's look at what this can do for you and what uses steel wool has that may be surprising to you. 

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    1. John Vernon said:

      Works really well in chrome rims. I use that and a rag. Super shine.

    2. Wayne Hubbs said:

      Careful though, any rust on the steel wool will scratch glass.

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