How To Throw an Axe Without Hurting Yourself! Video Included!

  • Many survivalists know all about having plenty of food, water, and supplies. However, sometimes having a weapon gets overlooked. Weapons just might get you out of a tricky situation and keep you safe. That's why learning how to throw an ax is so important. If you need to use it, you'll be glad you have this skill!

    The Tools You Need To Gather Include:



    • It'll be best to practice with a small hatchet. You don't need a sharp axe. If the blade is dull, that's still okay.


    • You can build one of your own, but this will take significantly more time to put together.
    •  We suggest that you use a large circular tree stump. The tree stump that you cut or purchase, should be at least 60 centimeters in diameter.  This type of target will last a lot longer.


    • Don't throw an axe if someone is in front of you or near the target. Keep clearance  of 6 feet surrounding target.
    •  Don't sharpen  blade too much to the point where you can cut yourself.


    • Grip axe, have a firm grip, similar to how you grip baseball bat.
    • Ensure  blade isn't rotated to  left ore right. It needs to be straight so  axe sticks to target.


    The Step By Step Directions To Follow:

    • Place both hands on the axe. Firm like you're holding a baseball bat. Make sure the blade is perfectly straight.
    • Bring the axe back, over your head, similar to the motion of throwing a soccer ball over your head. Lean back.
    • Bring the axe forward, in a fast motion and release with your arms extended forward.


    Additional Steps To Follow:

    For More Advanced Throwing

    First, you should visualize your target. Then place one of your feet forward and then allow your arm to swing downward and to the side. Next, when your ax goes past your leg, make sure to bring your ax up quick. When you have your ax over your head, make sure to bring the ax forward like if you were throwing a ball. As soon as your arm is parallel with the ground, now is the time to release your ax. Allow your arm to follow through.

    That's It!

    There are several important things to remember when throwing an ax. You should not have your blade sharp enough to cut you, and you should always have six feet of clearance around the target. You need to have a firm grip on the ax like a baseball bat. Finally, there is a basic way to throw an ax and a more advanced way. Once you learn this skill, you'll be better prepared to survive when a collapse occurs.

    Also, Check out this video below of Jason Momoa throwing an ax- because, well it's awesome!

    To learn more about how to throw an ax, you can visit:

    Bad Axe Throwing 




