How To Survive A Famine The Way Our Ancestors Did

  • If you're reading this, chances are that you've never had to live through a famine or period of time when you worried about your long-term food supply. In fact, we often take for granted that we can simply drive down to the nearest grocery store or open our home's pantry and find the food we need without much trouble.

    Unfortunately, humans have not always been this fortunate. Famines have speckled our world's history and left us with a valuable lesson: Always be prepared for the unexpected. History often repeats itself so we can't be so naive to think that famines only exist in the past. It's important to always be ready for what we cannot control.

    To learn more about the methods our ancestors used to survive famines, keep reading!

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    1. Scott Henderson said:

      Actually, I starved to death during the last famine. But being dead is boring, so I read articles on Facebook


