How To Successfully Repot A Plant in 7 Quick Steps

  • If you're a gardener, then you should already have all of the supplies needed for this activity. Since spring is here, our plants should be growing stronger, taller and bigger than ever so it's the ideal time to learn about repotting. You can even transfer the plant to a decorative or festive pot to give as a gift!


    • New pot – Pick a new pot that is slightly larger and has drainage holes.
    • Porous material – You will need these to cover the drainage holes in your new pot, coffee filters work great.
    • Potting mix – The added nutrients will help your plant grow.
    • Trowel – Comes in handy when trying to remove the plant.
    • Gloves – Keep the dirt from getting under your nails.
    • Scissors or a sharp knife – You might need to cut off excess roots
    • Watering can

    Step 1: Choose a larger pot.

    The main reason for repotting is because the plant has begun to outgrow its current home. You will want to give the roots plenty of room so they can support the beautiful part of the plant you get to enjoy.

    Make sure your new pot has drainage holes.

    Step 2: Cover the drainage holes with a porous material like a coffee filter.

    If you opt for a terra cotta pot, soak it ahead of time. Terra cotta absorbs moisture, and you don’t want it to dry out the plant.

    Step 3: Layer soil in the new pot.

    Add a base layer of soil so the roots have new space to grow.

    Step 4: Water the plant.

    This will help keep the plant healthy and keeps the rootball together.

    Step 5: Remove the plant from it’s old pot.

    Turn it upside down while placing your hand over the top of the pot. Rotate the plant a few inches in both directions to loosen it up and allow it to fall out.

    Step 6: Prune the rootball and untangle old roots.

    Remove roots that are growing out of the core rootball.

    Step 7: Place the plant in it’s new pot.

    Make sure the plant is centered and upright then press it firmly into it’s new home and add soil. Once you have patted it down, water it to help settle the soil.

    • Water frequently. Your plant will need a little extra water as it adjusts.
    • Keep away from full sunlight as it will be more sensitive during this period.
    • Hold off on fertilizing for about a month.

    Do you repot your plants in this way? Is there another method we should look into?

    Article Source: Pro Flowers


