This Mini Drone Is Inexpensive and Easy to Make

  • Here are the instructions for this incredibly easy to make mini drone. First you need to gather your materials:

    1. H8 mini receiver board (6$)

    2. H8 mini Transmitter (6$)

    3. 4 x Moters 7x20mm (2x cw,2x ccw) (4$)

    4. 4 x 55 mm propellers ( i used 75mm but should use 55mm) (1$)

    5. 1x 260 mAh Li-po Battery (3$)

    6. Battery Charging Cable

    7. Plastic Sheet for drone frame

    Next, make the frame:

    For frame i used 15cm. x15cm. plastic sheet. You can find frame diagram here . Download and print it on papper. Then cut it and stick it on the plastic sheet.

    Cut the plastic sheet and make hole for mount moters. Cut 1cm. long 4 pieces of pen for landing gears and stick it to the frame.

    Now it's time for the construction and soldering. To do this, mount the motors to the frame, and then attach the receive board using double sided tape, and solder the motors to the receiver board using the correct polarity. Fix the propellers to the motors, and then attach the battery to the underside of the frame using double sided tape. And that's all it takes!

    Have you ever used or made a drone? What did you think of the experience? Would you make this project? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

    Article Source: Instructables




