How To Make Heated Insoles And Avoid Frostbite This Winter

  • If there is one thing I hate about winter, it has to be cold feet. I know that everyone gets them and frankly, I don't know anyone who enjoys them, but I especially hate having cold feet. It's bad enough when you walk outside, and the crisp air hits your face, but the moment my toes and feet get cold, it seems that there is no warming up for me.

    I feel sorry for my friends who work outside during the winter months. They especially have to be careful as they are more suspectable to colds, flu, and frostbite. Thankfully someone has come up with this next project. Seriously whoever you are thank you so much because I have friends who have tried this next one and they say it is a life saver.  What project am I referring to?

    Do It Yourself Insole Warmers!

    Yeah, you read that right. Insoles that keep your toes nice and toasty inside! We know that there are those of you who live up in the great white north that will LOVE this project, so we went ahead and compiled the directions for you along with a great video showing you how it's done!

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